Friday, September 23, 2022

Easily distracted

I eye aye

know no

that it is

your yore you're

mind mined

Aye, I the eye knows the yore that you're mined for your mind, no?

Aye, I the eye can see the sea in a can of c's you seize.

Did you the ewe by the yew knew to buy what is new for a gnu before you said bye?

Two tutus to too tu

Sonidos Son need doughs doe dough dodo

do dew due

so sew

The sole soul of Seoul


Say sey sei

yellow gelo


It is new that you knew a new ewe and the gnu by the yew.


Did Joe say, " Yo sey," while eu sei que esta okay?



Thursday, September 22, 2022

Let me think about that

 Let me think about that
Think about what I want to say

Let me think about that
I want to express it in a certain way

Let me think about these words
And ideas from my imagination

Let me think about what I want to say
About life and every situation

What do our words represent?
Is it our desire or our intent?
Let the words communicate
The ideas we indicate
So you know we said what we meant

What we experience in life
Does not flow like a rhyme

I know not what to say
Because things change in time

There is no way I will experience
Your essence and memories

I am limited to my life and mind
And all those things I perceive