Thursday, August 18, 2022

Be careful of what you ask

 This man is walking through the desert when he comes upon

a small bazaar.

"What do you have here?"

"'What do you have here?' says the American," the man replies.

"I didn't mean to insult you."

"Sure; and, I didn't mean to fart after eating a bean burrito."

"Come on, man, this is my first trip here."

"Oh, okay. I'll cut you a deal."

"You will?"?"

"What will it cost me?"

"Twenty dollars. I need to buy lunch for my family."


The money is exchanged for the lamp. The man walks away to sit

in a corner.

He starts cleaning off the lamp when a bunch of smoke appears

out of nowhere.



A genie appears.


"Oh man, I heard about you guys."

"Really? Don't blame me for what you people ask.

My job is to give you your wishes. Look here,

I also have to pay bills and eat, you know."


"Sorry, man, didn't mean to offend you."

"Oh, alright, no offense taken."

"Do I get the three .."

"Yeah. Just be careful of what you ask. Understand?"

"Sure do."

"What's you're first wish?"

"I want to be the world's most influential man."

"Hmmm. Okay"

Genie claps his hands twice.

Suddenly, the man is surrounded by people asking for his

opinion and advice on almost everything.

"Whoa, dude, this is sooooo cool."

"Glad you like it."

"Do I get a second wish?"

"Of course."

"I want to be very wealthy."

"Oh, okay. I'll do it."

The genie claps his hands twice again making the man a billionaire.

 "Man, that is so cool."

"It's my job."

"Alright, alright, give me a moment on this last one."

The man takes a few moments before he makes his decision.

"Alright, I am ready."

"What is your wish?"

"I want to be the smartest person on Earth."

The Genie claps his hands twice.


He turns him into a woman.


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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.