Thursday, August 18, 2022

Some men just don't learn


there is this American wandering around in the Middle East

when he happens upon a pile of old items. He sees a small lamp

and begins to clean it. Some smoke comes out of it and a genie appears.

"Oh man, a real genie."

"Yeah, that's me."

"How? What? Are you.."

"Hey, it's a job."


"Yeah, man. Even on the astral plane you need a job.

I landed this gig and it pays the bills."

"Far out. Do I still get the three wishes?"

"They have to be within reason."


"I want to be the richest man in the world."

Genie does the face palm and groans.

"I don't know why you humans keep asking for this one."

The genie claps his hands twice making the person

the richest man in the world.

"Wow, dude, that's pretty cool. I get a second wish, right?"

"Yes, you do. What is it?"

"I want to be the strongest man in the world, man.

Can you do that for me?"

The genie's eyebrows raise a little.

"I have not heard that one in a while."

He claps his hands again twice, making the man the strongest

in the world.


"Oh, man, wow! This is so cool."

The genie looks at the man and says,

"You have one last wish, try to make it count as the best."

The man looks at the genie and says,

"Make me God's gift to women."

The Genie claps his hands twice...

The man is turned into a chocolate covered credit card

with no spending limits.

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