Monday, June 29, 2020

Reality is subjectively objective

Reality, actuality, the meta-verse, and Creation are conceptual idealistic description on of the state of all existence. We live in a constant state of harmonic chaos. Within our current universe, the fabric of the space-time continuum is determined by both observation and interaction.

Isn't it great that I know such big words.
My giant pulsating brain will crush you.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Interactive Ideas

Collaborating with other individuals takes patience and the willingness to understand and experience - at least within our minds - the perceptions of others.
Whenever an idea comes to mind, the viewpoint of another is, unfortunately, a second thought.

Surrealistic Changes in the Weebiverse.

It seems that the current tilt of the earth along with the increasing migration of the magnetic poles coupled with the slight increase in the wobble of the earth means that we are in for a dynamic change.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Renewable energy mobile and static charging station

In the design of a charging station for electric vehicles and such, the design does not allow for constant charging or even renewable charging. A vehicle such as a car, bus, boat, airplane, helicopter, et cetera could be built with solar panels.
With the charging station, you could have both wind and solar.
Another addition to the car is return energy from the movement of the wheels. I am aware that the two sets of technologies have never been put together for the general public.
With the wind generator, I had described a design in which the axis is vertical with cups or windsocks for the motion.
Using an earlier design description somewhere in this blog, you could have a biodiesel - solar - return energy vehicle.
This design would be good for public transportation.

Another idea is to have a boat or hovercraft with solar panels to give a constant charge to the batteries.
I'm well aware that there would be a limitation on the cabin size.

Continuing on, an airboat could possibly be designed as such.

Anyone who is able to use these ideas may do so.
Have a wonderful day.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Aliens and you

You're probably waiting for E.T. to stop back by, aren't you?

These "scientists" want to see aliens in humongous ships with pulsating brains.
Going to give us the secrets of the Meta-verse.

And they all speak English of course.

Perhaps they will sip some tea with you while smoking a spliff.

Three eyes, four ears and a mohawk.
And that's  just their uncle G-Bliss from the planet of funk.

Got to be serious in this day and age.


You know nothing about me, do you?

Not my name
Nor my face
or anything.

You have no idea what my life is like.

What kind of hell do you think I have been through?

I'm guessing that you'll think none at all.

You probably think my life is great, don't you?

Let's trade places.

You can have my life.

For a couple of months when I was ten, I was nearly beat to death on a daily basis with a broom stick and a hose.

That's a cool life, isn't it?

guess what,
I also have been tortured recently.

Supercool isn't it?

I bet all of you are laughing right now.

I write this blog because I hope that everything I've done wrong and all of the wrongs done to me can and will be paid for by my ideas.

I'm homeless.

That means most of you will not havbe anything to do with me because I am a social pariah and an untouchable to you.

I try using humor and doing things for people because my life can be hard at times;
And, I don't want anyone else going through the hell I have to go through.

You can use my ideas to make something or do something good and positive for life.

I'm too poor to make a change that others can see.

Just so that you know

I am wrong at times.
This is my blog.
Don't eat the weeby beans.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Schrodinger’s Cheshire Cat

 With the four possible existences of matter in the qubit- 0,1,0+1,null; and,
The uncertainty principle of what may happen coupled with the fact that real life has random environmental variables- unlike the controlled laboratory experiment- you end up with a cat that is looking at you outside the box while you’re wondering about its quantum state.

1) If there is an axis of three dimensions then there must be Cartesian coordinates for any point plotted on the axis.

2)The polarity of an object is the magnetic resonance which is emitted from two opposing ends,

3) The spectrum is a quantitative representation of measured frequencies.

Logic is fundamental in the application of the sciences.  Associative correlation may be skewed if the person does not understand nor has experienced or studied all of the fields of philosophy relating to the fields at hand.

Observer-subject references:

1. Observer subjective has value of alpha.
2. Subject objective has value of beta,
3. Observer objective has value of delta.
4. Subject subjective has value of gamma.

Controlled and Real World variables.

1. Real world variables are upper case.
2, Laboratory variables are lower case.
3. Superscript for observed.
4. Subscript for experimental

There are twenty six letters to be used giving you twenty six possible variables in real life and twenty six in the laboratory.

This is the part that is most difficult to explain to a lot of people.

What if it was you who was being experimented upon?

Forget about who and what you know, you're not at home.

All that you have are your experiences, knowledge and wits.

You have nowhere to go or live.
And you must survive while remaining moral.

No phone, no access to anything.

Completely exposed to the elements.

It is easy to watch someone going through an event an comment upon it.
It's not happening to you.

So, you don't know what that person is going through.

Some of the things that you say and do will affect the person;
and, whatever you do will come back to you in both intent and sensitivity.

Let's hope the cat has a sense of humor.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Standing out

Searching for the truth to find,
Knowing that you're on my mind,
Being compassionate and kind
Because happiness is not far behind.

Walking the right path today,
Talking about good things to say,
Life is better than okay
With positivity here to stay.

Having wisdom with knowledge and knowing,
Being prepared for where you are going,
The truth that is showing
Is obvious like the wind that's blowing.

Waves of rhythm moving down the street,
An ocean of an alien beat
Washes over everyone you meet
Singing blessings to all you greet.

Now, your mind is at rest;
And, you will do your best
Because you'll never have to guess
With a life that is always blessed.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Variable reassignment within a source code package

In the field of scientific research, it is best that we learn to work with others. By doing this, we accept each others' differences and improve our own natural skills.

T here's a wise man I know who is known as Tibby. He's cool and laid back. Tibby does hardware and is excellent at creative physical tasks.

He's also my mentor at times.

So, check this out. We get together at his work place and develop ideas in a way that is so much more than practical.

Now, you are ready for today's lesson.
Variable reassignment within a source code package.
I am doing this from a perspective of a BSD developer, other formats will follow suit.

You will need wget to pull in the source code.
Such as:
mkdir newdirectory
cd newdirectory
wget url://of the source code.that/you need

From here, you will untar and expand the file.

Use "ls - a" and then cd into the package area.
Retype the ls command to see the files and inner directories.

Open a separate terminal and uname -a to see the environment.

This will tell you the OS and architecture.

In the FreeBSD port file configurations, you will need to rewrite the BSD variables and the source code variables.
When the compilation breaks do it over.

Further input on the config files:
You will need to do a visual search for the variables both before and after the build.

Continue to do this until the build is finished or you are at a standstill.

Asking for assistance within the communities.

1.) Mailing lists.
Users lists are for general questions.
Specific lists such as networking, security, and such are for exact questions.
Architecture lists are for development questions.

2.) Forums
Go to the proper forums as directed by your research into the hardware and software communities.
I'll give you a example.
At this site, we Wil look at the different subfora to determine that which we need.

The forum members are cool.

When you join a forum, be respectful of others.
Okay, enjoy your day and take care.

Monday, June 1, 2020


CPU + Operating System + Language + Function

This may be the best way to design a computer. The general public and a large part of the computing community have limited experience and exposure to alternate systems and designs. For the most part, the "pc" is an AMD64 CPU with a Microsoft or Apple system with an occasional Chrome book. Secondary systems are largely Linux based followed by the BSDs and other UNIX variants.

CPU architectures are more of AMD64, ARM64, POWER, SPARC64, MIPS64 followed by ZISC, OISC and digital signal processors among others.

I've done work with the UltraSPARC, PPC32, and AMD64 along with ARM32 and the standard x86 architectures.
From the basic design and application along with the original build system and developmental environments, I've come upon certain realizations.
OpebBSD was built on a SPARC system and is near perfect for scaling, databases and security.
FreeBSD is research based best ran on the POWER /PPC64  architecture and for research along with AI.

NetBSD is good for the ARM64  and input devices.

Form should always follow function with the programming-hardware combinations paired even to the level of language dependency for optimum performance.

Remember that there is no single standard. All standards and interpretations are acceptable as long as they honestly reflect from the truth.


I am a pirate; and, I'm posting to me blarrg.