Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Prerequisites on building Scite on Android

Part of this semi-tutorial comes from practice, the rest is hypothetical in nature.

This requires that your device is rooted and that you have used the command [ chmod 777 $PATH_TO_BINARY] \ $PATH_TO_TERMUX_BINARY]

The other option is to have Termux installed on the SD card. ( I'm having a small bit of trouble with that so be sure that you install Termux to the SD card. Create a directory there if you do not have root permissions. Once again, this is part hypothetical in nature.)

Due to the fact that Android does not have a GCC or CLang compiler by default, you will
need to build the proper versions of each.

For both environments, create a folder named "compilations." This is where you will start your installation.

You will need to download m4 from

Extract the file and CD to the directory.
If you choose to install m4 to the Termux directories, you will need to run [ Code ./configure -- prefix $PATH_TO_TERMUX_BINARIES]

Run [ Code make && make install && make clean].
(There were some error messages here. I was not able to correct them due to me not having root nor read-write-execute permissions.)

Next, you will need to install gmp from

Do the same as you did for m4. Remember that you may need to create a different install path.

Here is where the tutorial becomes hypothetical in nature.

The gmp binary may have more dependencies. If so, download each - along with whatever other dependencies they have and build them.

A newer version of GCC will need to be built.

First, download gcc-4.7.2 from the GNU site.

Also, you will need to build the llvm-CLang suite.
Download it from the respective site.

Build GCC first. Use it to build a newer version of GCC.

Now, download the llvm-CLang suite and build them.

If everything is going according to nature, you should be able to build Scite.

The next step is to build other developmental tools in the same manner.

Part 2. Further hypotheses.

If the proposed ideas are allowed, you are going to create an APK for each binary and suite built.

I am not able to build these currently. You will need to do a Boolean search on the interwebs for that.

I hope that you have enjoyed this very weeby tutorial. Have a most goodly and blessed day.
Tchau tchau.

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