Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Simple idea for cybersecurity

  You are going to need a raspberry pi running NetBSD

for the installation of a honeypot. Look for the packets coming in to determine if there is an executable being installed or

If it is already installed on your system.

Second part - and this is probably the most 

expensive - you will need to set up a firewall with

OpenBSD . Stick with what you are being told.

Third part is installing FreeBSD on a POWER CPU

based machine as a router and for accessing the

other two machines.

As I have stated, be sure to look at every incoming

packet and also at any outgoing that is questionable.

What’s up, peoples?

 A) I am wiggling my toes.

B) Cornier than Orville Redenbacher.

C) This is a bad idea.

D) Memes for memes