Friday, October 27, 2023

Crazy Beats

 Life moves on its own.

There are billions of people more important than me.

On this planet, respect is a part of acceptance.

Healing starts within the mind.

It is a silly picture.

Let the winds and the words

go past you

Let nature and spirit

Guide what you do

No time for second guessing

Real life, not a lesson

And I stop

to see life all around

Birds in the air

ants on the ground

Realizing , we are only human

And it is time to be tuning

It  stops

I drop

and look around

the only sound

when we listen

and something is missing........


 Such as love and caring

Compassion and sharing






Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Let us be realistic

 Your bottom dollar would not be affected.

Your families would not suffer or change because of it.

The economies and political systems of this planet

would in no way be changed by it.

No one would even care.

The least littlest and minute comment - even within

your minds before you speak - means that you want

it to happen.

Any comment - in real life, on social media, by written

communication, by typed communication, by sign 

language, by oral/ spoken communication, 

by possible telepathy or any other form - means that

you want this to happen.

If I was to die you would not care.

I am hyper aware of the acceptable reasons for this.

Bin Bash ./ in on that, io!

Is the original source code available for building?

There is

which does not build on my equipment.

I only have fakeroot and not root.

I would like to be able to build with su/root 

access within a jail.

No privilege escalation.

It is to create a complete contained environment 

accessible to the environment on android

for natively accessible binaries without the

"app" process.

All that is available to me is a Lenovo 8505f tablet.

I am destitute, homeless, and poor.

Unless I am able to find it in the trash, it is an 

impossibility for me to buy it.

Android is not designed with Ctrl+Alt+F($NUMBER)

for alternate tty prompts. Surfaceflinger - along with

Wayland - does not use Xproto, multitouch, Xephyr,

 and a lot of useful parts of Xorg/ x11 in their code

bases. This is so sad that a puppy dog is

right now typing an editorial about it in the

" Doggone that shit ain't right, dawg" online 


Humor aside

                         Ha Ha! He He! Ho Ho! Heh Heh!

Is it available, the source code for su that is?

With Xorg/ x11 multiuser functionality with multiuser

with simultaneous multiuser login is possible

with a Linux system using:

1. Base - non GUI - install first.

2. Chroot jail for the embedded chip.

2a.Xorg -config -retro

3. Xproto create in another chroot jail the display,

    keyboard, mouse, monitor, other devices for

   on board/pci etc cards. 

   a. Xorg -config -retro comment out the first

Xorg -config -retro 

The  Xorg proto does not work as well on the BSDs

as it does on Linux for some unknown reason.

Multitouch is the same way.

The original code needs to be separated from the 

Xorg/ x11 code, rebuilt, then added as a subport

for both multitouch and xorg proto.

I have already attempted doing this years ago.

Surfaceflinger peeps, this booger should be spread

on the Android couch.








Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Nobody, really, needs to be stressed.

 Today is a day to thankful.

It is a fortunate blessing that we are alive.

Think, watch, listen, observe, research, and respect.