Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Invisibility combined with non-existence

 Why is it that none of you will give me a reply?

I know that the standards and protocols of communication


1. Honesty

2. Truthfulness

3. Being Direct

4. Being Straightforward

5. Diplomacy

6. Tactful Approach

7. Articulation in Speach

8. Eloquence in the manner of delivery

And yet no one will give me any reply at all.

Is it that I am homeless and poor while remaining 

anonymous a problem if accepting and recognizing

me as an individual to you?

Is this the reason for your lack of replies?

Am I that much beneath you?

I use the nom de plume of "Nobody Really" on

Twitter/X and this is what all of you seemingly think about

me: That I am a nobody and no one, a nothing at all to

every single one of you.

Alk of you brush me off as if I were feces on your 


What makes you better than me?

Are you that much better than Mother Nature, Great Spirit,

God, Allah, En Sof, et cetera et al?

I am very aware of what us happening on this planet.

Why am I wasting my time trying to communicate with

people who do not care about anyone in my situation>

Monday, November 20, 2023

Changing the feed in twitter/ X

 What a lot of users on X/  twitter do not realise is:

1. The website does not use JBOSS for automatically

refreshing pages.

This would require:

a. SPARC64 servers

b. BSD or Linux operating systems to be installed.

2. The option is neither allowed nor tested by code 


3. There are many major accounts which have 

multiple users inputing information. Think about the

POTUS accounts. Does Biden really have that much time

to be on X/ twitter? The practice is also for security


4. When signing up to do coding for X/ twitter, the basic

free code is more for economics and not for effects.

You are shown what the coders and administration 

believe you want. I look at the feeds given to me and


"Why are these people giving me this information?

Do they realize some of this content is either immoral,

illegal, or both? Are the workers at X/ twitter trying to

entrap people?"

5. You are targeted for advertizing because X/ twitter

does need to pay its workers.

So, here is the way to change the feed to have one

you will enjoy:

1. Click on the home page icon.

2.  Click on twitter.com/home in the URL.

3. Move the cursor to the end.

4. Hit return.

5. Continue until the feed is what you want.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

Polly's got a polyglot

 Understanding that the current hardware and software 

architecture is incapable of translating two or more languages

at the same time, I would like to test codes to see

if the sequence would allow such. There was - and still is -

a non-response to my inquery on Twitter/X.


I did not receive any answer. Is the code C or HTML?

 Do I place the variable values in the URL/URI or do I write

a small program and test it in some way?

Friday, October 27, 2023

Crazy Beats

 Life moves on its own.

There are billions of people more important than me.

On this planet, respect is a part of acceptance.

Healing starts within the mind.

It is a silly picture.

Let the winds and the words

go past you

Let nature and spirit

Guide what you do

No time for second guessing

Real life, not a lesson

And I stop

to see life all around

Birds in the air

ants on the ground

Realizing , we are only human

And it is time to be tuning

It  stops

I drop

and look around

the only sound

when we listen

and something is missing........


 Such as love and caring

Compassion and sharing






Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Let us be realistic

 Your bottom dollar would not be affected.

Your families would not suffer or change because of it.

The economies and political systems of this planet

would in no way be changed by it.

No one would even care.

The least littlest and minute comment - even within

your minds before you speak - means that you want

it to happen.

Any comment - in real life, on social media, by written

communication, by typed communication, by sign 

language, by oral/ spoken communication, 

by possible telepathy or any other form - means that

you want this to happen.

If I was to die you would not care.

I am hyper aware of the acceptable reasons for this.

Bin Bash ./ in on that, io!


Is the original source code available for building?

There is  


which does not build on my equipment.

I only have fakeroot and not root.

I would like to be able to build with su/root 

access within a jail.

No privilege escalation.

It is to create a complete contained environment 

accessible to the environment on android

for natively accessible binaries without the

"app" process.

All that is available to me is a Lenovo 8505f tablet.

I am destitute, homeless, and poor.

Unless I am able to find it in the trash, it is an 

impossibility for me to buy it.

Android is not designed with Ctrl+Alt+F($NUMBER)

for alternate tty prompts. Surfaceflinger - along with

Wayland - does not use Xproto, multitouch, Xephyr,

 and a lot of useful parts of Xorg/ x11 in their code

bases. This is so sad that a puppy dog is

right now typing an editorial about it in the

" Doggone that shit ain't right, dawg" online 


Humor aside

                         Ha Ha! He He! Ho Ho! Heh Heh!

Is it available, the source code for su that is?

With Xorg/ x11 multiuser functionality with multiuser

with simultaneous multiuser login is possible

with a Linux system using:

1. Base - non GUI - install first.

2. Chroot jail for the embedded chip.

2a.Xorg -config -retro

3. Xproto create in another chroot jail the display,

    keyboard, mouse, monitor, other devices for

   on board/pci etc cards. 

   a. Xorg -config -retro comment out the first

Xorg -config -retro 

The  Xorg proto does not work as well on the BSDs

as it does on Linux for some unknown reason.

Multitouch is the same way.

The original code needs to be separated from the 

Xorg/ x11 code, rebuilt, then added as a subport

for both multitouch and xorg proto.

I have already attempted doing this years ago.

Surfaceflinger peeps, this booger should be spread

on the Android couch.








Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Nobody, really, needs to be stressed.

 Today is a day to thankful.

It is a fortunate blessing that we are alive.

Think, watch, listen, observe, research, and respect.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

An explanation from someone only known as "Nobody" to you.

I am very poor. I am homeless. I have been illegaly imprisoned on false charges. 

I watched my mother get sexually assaulted before I was three. I was beat with a broom stick until my ribs cracked,

 dropped on the floor, and beaten again -multiple times - 

when I was eleven. I fell down some steps and split my head wide open when I was nine. 

In 2015, some doctors screwed up my nervous system. I am slowly dying from that event.

 I need neurosurgery and may die before it could possibly happen. I share my ideas and ask for no money in return.

 I do not even ask for recognition. Elon Musk, you have seen some of my ideas. Not bad, huh? You have also publicly mocked and ridiculed me.

 I am poor, homeless and dying. I still have to dig through a dumpster for food.

 In the city where I live, I am not allowed by the city government to even sign up for foid stamps.

 I am poor and homeless. I have been tortured. Do not even try to apologize for publicly mocking and ridiculing me on twitter/ X. 

I am slowly dying. Share this with your children , wife, family, friends, your workers, your followers on twitter/ X and other social media. 

Do no and do not attempt to reply to me or even apoligize or even hint to of any of this. I am poor, homeless, and dying; and, you think and tell others that I am a piece of shit.

 You are nowhere near as good of a person that you think you are when you treat people like me as less than a piece of shit on the sidewalk.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

That to which most will not admit

    On the Eastern Seaboard of the United States of America,

there are at least 250,000 individuals in violation of three

or more articles of the United Nations Declaration

of Human Rights. There are some of you who are

aware of this, have both evidence and knowledge

of these happenings, and neither say or do nothing

about the different situations. Antonio Gutteres has

mentioned that every country who is a member of

the UN should be enforcing those rights within the

United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

The United States of America is both a member of

the UN and of Interpol. The USA is answerable - along

with every country and law enforcement agency

of all those countries who are members if the UN - 

to the International Court of Justice. Absolutely

no one living on this planet is above International Law.

I am not above any of those law.

I am not above the lawso f that which some call


I am accountable and responsible for my own life.

It seems that no one will defend those both here

in the US and other countries those in greater dire

straits than myself. These people go through 

situations more than I am able to imagination

or I have seen within my entire life.

Monday, September 25, 2023

In Absolutes, and Not Relatively

 No one knows or sees me

On the internet or reality.

No one pays attention to me there:

Online, in real life, or anywhere.

I'm just where I happen to be.

My ideas are wonderfully strange

With hopes they make real change

For those that are in need

A positive future in deed

With happiness given in exchange.

Everday - like others - I struggle to survive

Hope and Nature keeps me alive

Before it happens or I come near it

I am taught by the Spirit

To be humble and compassionate inside.

You never see me, just these words that I write

For sharing and encouraging you day and night

Life happens so fast

How long does it last?

Make each moment a spiritual delight.

How much longer 

will we be around

As our feet walk

upon this ground

Seeing the sights

and hearing the sounds

Of the knowledge and wisdom

we just found?


Laughing and crying

Never denying

Always trying

Frustrated or sighing.

Each second should not be dismissed

There is more than just this

Open your eyes

Let your mind surrealise

That heaven is joy, hope, and bliss.


Tommorow's future is a land

Only an open mind will understand

We must work hand and hand

To heal our cultures and our land.


Spread this inspiration

To each nation

with sensation

and excitation.

Street scenes seen at times

 A touch of life at the rightfully odd moments

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Limits of jurisdiction

 According to Maryland business law:

(This is a paraphase and not the exact words

within the Maryland Law Code)

The jurisdiction of a business ends:

1. At the ceiling, doors, floors, walls, and windows

of that business if the business leases or rents the building

and not the property."

Shared parking areas and common grounds on a property

do not give any business more jurisdiction or right

over another even if that area is beside of, in front of,

or near such business.

2. At the edge of the property if such business actually

and really owns the physical lot of property.

In the example of number one - which is the standard for

Ahold-Delhaize in North America in the United States of

 America in the state of Maryland in all of its cities, 

counties, and regions - the employees of Ahold-Delhaize

- this being Food Lion and other businesses - have no 

reason - while wearing the insignia of any 

Ahold-Delhaize company

(Wearing the insignia of a company makes one

and the company reliable for communications

and actions of those individuals employed by the 

company) - to be involved with or bother

anyone whatsoever in her or his private affairs.

In other words,

"They need to leave well enough alone,

mind their own business,

and stay out of mine."

It is bad when it  becomes necessary to contact

an international conglomerate/ corporation

to tell this to when it should be common sense.

In their imaginations - and include all who have 

been designated authority such as managers - 

they have acheived  a Machiavellian understanding

of which they apply to everything while clocked in

to the job. Their belief is that they have absolute

control and athoritarian rule over everything

within their realms of sight, sound, and imaginative

cognition with all to bow down before them

to and for the mighty kingdom of Food Lion!


These people cannot be for real.

This gives all of you in Denmark and the Netherlands

something to think about for a moment.


Had to keep you on your toes.

Translação and Interpretacíon

 My familiarity and daily use of different (diferente [ambos es & pt])

idiomas (ambos es & pt) are with Castilian (Es), English

([es & pt] ingles),  and Portuguese; therefore, the subject

matter is a continuation of the previous post:


The verb saber is defined as "to understand",

"to have experiential, applicable knowledge know as

wisdom", and/ or

"to have innate and inherent wisdom which may be 

applied to many situations."

Conozcar (Castilian [es]) and conhecer (pt) may both

be defined as:

"to have acquired knowledge as such from a school,

college, and/ or university",

"to have knowledge learned from employment 

experience, trade, and/ or vocation", 

and/ or

" to have knowledge acquired from the reading of


Other examples are:

Tener (es) and ter (pt) with both defined as

"to acquire or get"/ "to have as a quantative value."

Similar to that are haber (es) and haver (pt)

with both being defined as " to have qualitative value."

Sobre (es) is interchangeable with perto (pt).

Acerca (es) has the same definition as acerca (pt).

In both languages, the verb estar references to

a temporary condition/ value while ser is to a value/ 

condition of a more "permanent" form.

The past, present, and future forms of estar, ser, and 

haber/ haver have use with the perfect and 

progressive tenses of both Castilian (es) and 


I have used all three of these languages my entire life.

Whenever I learn a new word in one, I then

learn to interpret and tranlate into the other two.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am capable of thinking in any 

of the three and choosing bewteen them for my

cognitive processes.

It is not an easy task. Far from me do I have the skills

to be an interpretor. That is a skill and gift of much work

and study.

Those few on this planet who have degrees and knowledge

of the grammar of their respective countries while 

also having a degree in linguistics are the ones of & to 

whom you should be asking suggestions for translations.

The same previous statements also refer to those of

the three before mentioned languages when someone

attempts to give you her/ his spoken & recorded opinion

of a word in the other two that has neither basis nor

origin in his or her own.

II. When a word's definition needs to be defined from 

the figurative and/ or "street" point of view and 

when it needs to be literal.


Cual está (es) and qual é (pt) both are translated from 

the casual as: "What's up?"

The literal translation is: "Which is?"

"Que onda" (es) and "legal" (pt) mean 


I asked my grandmother who lived in Brasil and was

of Paraguayan origin:
" Porqué yo comprehendo tus palabras?"

Sua resposta foi:

"Porque yo enuncio mis palabras."


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Another realization

 I am an anonymous nobody with nothing

hoping that someone would reply to me.

On a planet of more than 8.5  billion people

- and I am not including all of the 

animals and  plants on Earth -

I have less importance than a grain of sand

at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

What am I going to do?

People have their own problems.


I keep forgetting about that.


Right now

mmm mmm mmm

I know that your time was just wasted if you read this.


I should be thinking about others instead of



It's dark with no one around.

1:11 AM in the morning


Really at peace right now.

Cars are moving past me at a distance of 100 feet. 

The sound is from a tunnel of trees

bouncing back and forth.

Crickets chirping in sequence.

Crickets chirping over each other.

Cool wind and the temperature slightly dropping.

I am able to smell myself,

the flowers near me,

cigarette butts in a small trash can near my feet.

Dogs are barking in the background.

The vending machines hum.

Hey, cat, I can really dig that style.

Sooooo smooooth.

Start being natural

so you are able

to share those positive vibes.

Moments transcending the vast wilderness

of everyday  problems.

It is more than 

"I have to"

"I want to"

It is a desire to try again

and to improve.

While thinking about what to write in this blog

the Duncan Donuts Donut truck arrives.



"Gotta have"

Donuts and coffee for the morning.

People go mad for donuts.

Be glad when they legalize donuts just like they did


I can see it right now.

Lines of people at the donut dispensaries

frappucino withdrawals.

Man, this stuff is heavy.

Going to take a load off of my mind.

Mmmm mmm mmm.

I hope you're adding some scratching to this.

Don't want you busting my rhythm and flow.

Now, what was I writing.

Oh yes.

It takes a    lot of effort.

Do you see that extra space in the line above.

No way, man.

I'm going to leave it right there.

"Whoa, dude, karma is going to get right back at you.

You'll never be able to finish a sentence again."

Gotta keep it real.

You know?

Enjoy the rest of your year

day by day.

Accepting the actual reality

 There are times when no one will listen to me 

or read this web log. That which has and is happening

in my life is my own fault.

I am the one who has made poor decisions 

and choices.

There is nothing to blame on anyone else.

Multitouch function for simulating right click functions of a computer mouse

 I am attempting a connection to xorg.mirrors.pair.com 

(xorg.mirrors.pair.com) .

There is no "right click" driver to emulate the 

view-source in mozilla firefox on a touch screen.


Friday, September 15, 2023

For Google Translate

 Similarities between Castilian (Spanish) and Portuguese words.

Google translate is incorrect at times.

1. Conozcar (es) Conhecer (pt)

Saber is saber in both languages.

Conozcar/ conhecer is to have knowledge.

Saber is to have wisdom.

2. Tener (es) Ter(pt)

To have as quantitative

Haber (es) Haver (pt)

To have as a quality

3. Estar is for a temporary moment

Ser is for permanence

O discurso que começa na rua

 O qué está acontecendo,

Minha gente, meu povo?

Momentos, eventos estando nesta hora

Uma abelha beijando uma flor

Lado ao lado um sideral

Tudo paracem tão surreal

With every thought that is going on

In hoping that we stay strong

Everyday is getting better

Progressive thoughts to the letter

Las particulas en la vida

Haciendo mucha alegria

Cada semana y los meses

Vienen con muchas frases

Nesta esquina está pra ficando

No ceu vamos andando 

Que no futuro, cada é procurando

Tuda na vida pra compartilhando 

Positive encouragement to change our ways

Karmic return for better days

Listening for the smallest sound

Surrealizing what is all around

Felicidad en la calle

Risando en la valle

Muchas cosas de conozcando

Las ideias piensando

If we think positive and clear

The future will always start right here

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Bean there before

Dun da dun da dun

It was 9:35 PM on Friday night.

I just received a phone call.

"Hey, this is precint thirty five. Are you Professor Emeritus

Eaton Otemiel?"

"Yes, I am. Why? What's wrong?"

"Your cappucino was hanging around the wrong crowd.

We had to book him and throw him in a cell."

"Do you mean he is ...."

"Yes, he's canned coffee."

Not quite purrfection


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Survival, sustenance, and nutrition




It is necessary for me to rebuild and heal myself in this 

manner thus naking the producta necessary food 

source. The United Nations' Decleration of Human Rights 

defends  the reason  for the item.

Those involved with the experiment are doing and will

do the following:

1. Remove the items from the shelves.

2. Enter the stores in numbers to cause me to wait

even longer while I am in a weakened state.

3. Use their phones, cars, and other items as sonic

assault weapons.

4. Assault me through the device with electric shocks that

cause memory loss for short term levels.

5. Maryland Laws are not above Federal and International

Statutes. The common reason for not abiding by those

Globally accepted legislations is,

"It is not within my jurisdiction."

"If you break the law - even if you are unaware that

you transgress these socio-political standards that

keep the general populace in a state of peace and 

stability - you should pay for it when you are caught."

They talk in defiance.

As you have observed in your monitering of the event,

these people on this peninsular island are willingly

self righteous  believing they are above and beyond 

any set of laws  in all of Creation.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


 Which name means "to be thin"?

Who is sad?

There are cowpiles of ludicrous insanity here.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Progressing Positively Forward into a New Day

 Moving forward past the times

as unlimited as our minds

Giving hope and positive signs

Joy and happiness is what we'll find

Positive encouragement in what we say

Hopeful expectations along the way

Let the children laugh and play

Creativity for a brand new day

A musical symphony played by the wind

Composed in heaven where it begins

Positive vibes nature and spirit will send

From the minds of ladies and men

Samba composed with an orchestral school

Communicating through repinique or flute

Music will convey the truth

Not just in playing but in listening too

Monday, July 17, 2023

Water and not a drop to drink

Individuals involved are:

 Dunkin Donuts

1200 Nanticoke Road

Salisbury, Maryland  21801

United States, North America


Salisbury Police

699 West Salisbury Parkway

Salisbury, Maryland 21801

United States, North America

I am frustrated.

I was hoping that someone would stop.

The police officer and the dunkin donuts employee

- very much aware and part of the microchip implant

experiment done to me - were talking about

"It's him"


"Call me if he gives you any trouble"

And the police drove past me without

asking if I was okay.


These people do not follow the UN Bill of human rights

when I have to beg for water,

nearly pass out from heat stress

and they come by, violently

shaking me,

assaulting me

with the police letting them do such.


Friday, May 12, 2023

Business practices and false data from Comcast/Xfinity

 Not so long ago, I reported Comcast/Xfinity for collecting the

Social Security numbers of a lot of people. The company was reported

to the FCC.

Today - May 12, 2023 20:33 Gregorian Calendar -the FCC and others

are going to receive more data about Comcast's/ Xfinity's falsifying data.

The commercials by Comcast/Xfinity state that "Xfinity is the home

of the 10G network."

There is a problen here.




From the second link above -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6G_(network)-

"However, as of January 2023, there is no universally-accepted government or non-government standard for what qualifies as 6G technology."



There are no articles on 7G, 8G, 9G, or even 10G.


Why would Comcast/ Xfinity openly lie about technology that does not even


G networks are developed in sequential order.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, et al/ et cetera.

Ten does not come after five: six does.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3GPP <-- These people determine

what would be any G type of network.

Not Comcast/ Xfinity

or Verizon

or any other service provider.



 Comcast/ Xfinity is not on that list. Let's check out the next part.



Nope, Comcast/ Xfinity is not on that list either.



Comcast/ Xfinity is not listed in those groups.


No Comcast/ Xfinity is not listed in that article.



No Comcast/ Xfinity in that article.




Advertising and Marketing Basics

Under the law, claims in advertisements must be truthful, cannot be deceptive or unfair, and must be evidence-based. For some specialized products or services, additional rules may apply."



Absolute proof that Comcast/ Xfinity is breaking at least one law.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Qualquer lugar na sua mente

 What is the first thing that you do when you

wake up in the morning?

You become aware.

You think,




and then you open your eyes.

What is going on in the world around




those people,

someone in Zimbabwe,

A young couple in Macau?

Do the hyenas ever say,

"Yo, dog, I'd be real happy right now

with a mocha latté and the Wall Street Journal."

Does anyone ever wonder what is happening

in the lives of Mother Nature and Great Spirit?

Or in the lives of what is understood as "God"?

Who are you?

Are you having a blessed day?

Thank you for giving some time in your day

by reading this?

Do you try to make each day adventurous

and challenging?

Have fun by doing something for others.

Here are some words that you are reading.

These words make up a sentence.

Look at these letters which make up a word

to convey an idea.

Oh snap!

Whenever I think of this sound and

other sounds in my head

they become words of thought which 

formulate ideas.

Like crazy mad, man!

Like whoah, cat,

I was just thinking about thinking about

something when I just suddenly thought

thoughts I was thinking about when I thought

those thoughts when I was thinking about

what I was thinking about, man.

Just think about that, girl/ lady/ man/ cat.

Man,that is so deep that I'm going to need

some scuba diving equipment.

Like roll me up and smoke me because I 

am so dope, yo!

I can get high of off nothing.

Do I do drugs?

No way, man.

The drugs do me.

It's like the drug says,

"Hey, man, let me roll you up and smoke you."

Have a great blessed day, cat!

Tchau tchau!

Sunday, April 30, 2023

What am I doing, staying up at this time of night?

 This is a "thought experiment"  for clearing your

mind and preparing yourself for any moment

or event. You will need to stretch so that

there is no physical stress on your body.

Potassium and magnesium will be needed.

Trust me, this is going to be surrealistic

off the chain.

The lotus - feet on top, cross legged -


or normal cross legged is good.

Have yourself some tea before you do this.

What's that? Potassium, magnesium, and

tea before I meditate.

Man, you have lost it.

Seriously, I''m for real.

Like this.

Oh snap, I forgot about the day before.

Almonds and other sources of magnesium.

If you have allergies, adapt according to

your diet. This next suggestion/ part also

should be adapted to your diet.

Coconut water as the base fore concentrated

orange juice. Pineapple juice may be 

substituted if one has an allergy.

The reason for this suggestion:

If you have a slight bit more of certain

nutrients, your brain and body will be able to

perform extra tasks. I try to have 150% of

these nutrients.

 You are prepared, let's get down to


Cross your legs 

not your eyes.

Will this ever come across your mind

in experiential and not linear time?

Sit in a cross legged style placing your


I forgot the tea part.

One part Sleepy time teabag with one part

teabag - caffienated - of your choice and some 

honey or any other type of natural sweetener.

The combination of both allows awareness

and relaxation.

Palms up with one hand in the other.

Imagine sensing your body and aura from

your psychological - brain - center and

physiological - heart -center simultaneously.

Sense outwards towards your fingers and

toes. Be aware of every part of your body.

Listen to the sounds around you. Let

your mind flow past them. 

Breathe and have awareness of the world

around you.

Listen then open your eyes. Observe what

is around you.

Do this a few times until it becomes second


It is a different situation. Look at your 

surroundings. Being calm and in focus

becomes a necessary part of the environment.

Assess the situation while formulating

your hypothesis.

What can, may, or will occur is dependent

upon your knowledge of that around you.

Free will exists in every living thing.

Everything interacts in some dynamic way

with everything in creation. This is the

harmony of life. Be positive and let this

energy flow into all of creation. Allow

yourself to enjoy and intake the moment.


Calmy calm.

Relaxed and laid back

enjoying the ebbs and flows of life.

Take a deep breath.

Be sure to pay for it. Mama Nature wants

you to be honest. She's not making that

air for free.

Go breathe on a plant. 

Are you already ready to be ready?

That's cool, peoples.

Now enjoy each day as a different day

each time.


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Explaining myself

 Being homeless/ transient/ nomadic,

life has become different for me.

(This is being posted because I deleted some

posts. I find it necessary to explain myself

and to apologize to some peoples.)

About the "peoples" part:

You are "I, me, myself."

One person is "three" persons making a single

individual a people.

Two or more are peoples.

Bunches of peoples on this planet, peoples.

I have learned that animals - and humans are

animals, too and also - have individual 

personalities with intelligence different from 


I have also learned that some humans are 

self righteous or "better than God."

Wait a moment...

I perceive "God" as Mother Nature and 

Great Spirit.


Coming across some "crazy tão louca gentes e

louco povos" 

- gente is the feminine gender of the word 

people in portuguese,

povo is the masculine gender of  the  word

people in portuguese.

Free will, imagination, cognitive thought, 

observation, perception, self awareness,

emotions, sensitivity, and compassion

 - along with other traits - are part of the natures

of all living things.

I am at fault almost always and then

sometimes more.

Whistling with the birds,

intetacting with insects,

chattering with squirrels,

and talking to wild humans

are things that I do for goodly times

and entertainment.

Sometimes, I go dumpster diving

- I have a great backstroke -

while fishing for treasures excelente.

Oh no, there is no consistency of

thought in this post, better text the

paragraph police.

My apologies for eliminating the other


The insanity of humanity

from the words of the manatee.

Moments may lead to frustration

and then I sleep.

Have a goodly blessed week.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Wondering, Pondering

 Does anyone ask you:

How was your day?

Since you are defending billions of peoples,

do you want peace at the end of your day?

You represent an entire country,

does anyone ask if you are okay?

A few people gathering together to solve

the problems of this planet without many

inquiring about your health and mental well 


May your upcoming weeks be blessed,

May you make it through stress,

May you enjoy the moment

Without a second guess.