Saturday, January 4, 2020

Well, now, of all the things...

Some weeby things to do:

So, you want to do some hacking, uh huh? Goodly.
Here is a list of applications that I use and the reasons for using them.
1. SciTE. This is probably one of the best editors that allows you to peer into the intricacies of binaries, images, and other files. For one, browsing through the file allows one to see any error messages, hidden text, and other weird things.
2. GIMP  This is what I use to make the images you see on my blog. To let you know: I draw most of the base images myself. The exceptions are the ant and other sphere based animations. These are done by adjusting the width and height.
3. Tupi 2D Magic I had to learn something about this application suite. You need to adjust the smoothness to 0.00 and then start animating. If you don't, it will automatically make the lines a bit rounded. Also, every time you draw a line, it becomes a separate object. Pay attention to this when you make your animation. You are able to choose to copy and paste OR you may over-trace the image. Single clicking to select the object will allow you to adjust the width and height. Double clicking after selecting will allow you to rotate the object. Be careful as to how you select and move because the object may skew itself to a strange dimension of a line and nothing else. There is the undo key. I like it so far; and, it is a lot of fun.
4. Nmap This is just basically fun if you want to know what others are running. Be careful of how you run it and your reasons for doing such. It is a good way of remotely testing the security of ports on your machine.
5. Ping Be smart when you use this application. There may be a way of sending certain information with ping using "ping -p <pattern>." I'm not sure if it is hexidecimal or some other format.


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