Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Design for a roundhouse

In this conceptual tutorial, we are going to design a roundhouse from natural materials.

You will need the following formulas:
Surface area of a conic projection
Surface area of the walls of a cylinder less an arc of 45°

You will need the following materials:
Bamboo with a diameter of 2.5" to 3.25" and a length of 9'
Bamboo with a diameter of 1.5" and a length of 7'
Bamboo bent through the use of a glycerin bath or steam table for support.

Tarpaulin composed of biomass materials.
Screws - I do not know the proper number gauge for the screws, someone will need to add this to this post.

The roundhouse will have a diameter of 12'.
You will need approximately 42 of the wider diameter pieces of bamboo for the walls.
Dig the holes about 1' into the ground.

At a separate yet near location, begin to design the roof.

The cylindrical formula is for the walls.
The other is for the conic projection.

After the construction of the roof, have it hoisted to the top of the structure.

I do not have this perfected, it is a rough draft for you to use.

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