Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Required prerequisites in coding and programming development

In the standard set of files of a gzipped or
bzipped2 tarball, there exists the
configure file which searches each system
for all binaries and libraries.
Usually, these are found in:
/bin, /usr/bin, usr/local/bin,
/lib, /sbin, /usr/sbin,
/usr/local/sbin, and/or a similar path.
For the most part, the process is automatic.
There are times a developer/ programmer
may need to edit the file
to add an OS or CPU architecture to
the configure and also the Makefiles
in the top and subdirectories
of the extracted code.

A brief history on android. For reason that the beginning of the OS was built on a limited platform, busybox was used to save space. Today, toybox takes its place. Let's return to the present. I have tried editing configure to do the path and execution of "busybox [toybox] $FUNCTION" along with changing the shell. The combinations are neither functional nor productive without having to rewrite each script in its entirety. Let's add another environmental variable. Whenever I state the following it is not for sympathy or pity, it is to let you know that I have a limitation due to my economic situation. I am poor and homeless, not poor and helpless. Look throughout my blog. Interdispersed between ramblings there exists a lot of very good, original, and advanced ideas. All that I post is for the public to use. I have even developed a prototype open source patent license. That is not bad for someone who has to dumpster dive for food at times. I work odd jobs and I will share what I have and find. So, it would be nice if static binaries and libraries could be installed on the present system. There seems to be no straightforward and simple - not dependent upon needing to have a laptop or desktop - way of installing a rom. There does exist a dual boot patch. This means that a developer's and end user's system could exist side by side. This also means that other systems - even a BSD - based system could exist on the same smartphone or tablet. Think about this for a moment. It is both feasible and realistic.

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