Monday, June 14, 2021

When you are poor, you are nothing

Americans - those people living in t
Democratic Federal Republic of the
United States of North America - 
have already forgotten that people all around this globe
are basically working for nearly nothing
so that we may have our technology.

Think about it for a moment:
"First World" countries still manipulate
and disrespect their own poor,
what makes you believe that they will give true, genuine compassion, respect,
and understanding to the rest of the global community?

I am homeless in the small city of
Salisbury, Maryland.
I have been falsely imprisoned.
Yet, I am poor; and,
none of you care about justice
None of you would care if I died or
was killed.
You would probably celebrate if something terrible happened to me.
If you remain silent, it is because you
hate poor people.

Go on back to your normal lives because
poor people are pieces of shit
in your eyes.

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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.