Sunday, April 30, 2023

What am I doing, staying up at this time of night?

 This is a "thought experiment"  for clearing your

mind and preparing yourself for any moment

or event. You will need to stretch so that

there is no physical stress on your body.

Potassium and magnesium will be needed.

Trust me, this is going to be surrealistic

off the chain.

The lotus - feet on top, cross legged -


or normal cross legged is good.

Have yourself some tea before you do this.

What's that? Potassium, magnesium, and

tea before I meditate.

Man, you have lost it.

Seriously, I''m for real.

Like this.

Oh snap, I forgot about the day before.

Almonds and other sources of magnesium.

If you have allergies, adapt according to

your diet. This next suggestion/ part also

should be adapted to your diet.

Coconut water as the base fore concentrated

orange juice. Pineapple juice may be 

substituted if one has an allergy.

The reason for this suggestion:

If you have a slight bit more of certain

nutrients, your brain and body will be able to

perform extra tasks. I try to have 150% of

these nutrients.

 You are prepared, let's get down to


Cross your legs 

not your eyes.

Will this ever come across your mind

in experiential and not linear time?

Sit in a cross legged style placing your


I forgot the tea part.

One part Sleepy time teabag with one part

teabag - caffienated - of your choice and some 

honey or any other type of natural sweetener.

The combination of both allows awareness

and relaxation.

Palms up with one hand in the other.

Imagine sensing your body and aura from

your psychological - brain - center and

physiological - heart -center simultaneously.

Sense outwards towards your fingers and

toes. Be aware of every part of your body.

Listen to the sounds around you. Let

your mind flow past them. 

Breathe and have awareness of the world

around you.

Listen then open your eyes. Observe what

is around you.

Do this a few times until it becomes second


It is a different situation. Look at your 

surroundings. Being calm and in focus

becomes a necessary part of the environment.

Assess the situation while formulating

your hypothesis.

What can, may, or will occur is dependent

upon your knowledge of that around you.

Free will exists in every living thing.

Everything interacts in some dynamic way

with everything in creation. This is the

harmony of life. Be positive and let this

energy flow into all of creation. Allow

yourself to enjoy and intake the moment.


Calmy calm.

Relaxed and laid back

enjoying the ebbs and flows of life.

Take a deep breath.

Be sure to pay for it. Mama Nature wants

you to be honest. She's not making that

air for free.

Go breathe on a plant. 

Are you already ready to be ready?

That's cool, peoples.

Now enjoy each day as a different day

each time.


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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.