Thursday, July 15, 2021

Binary, elf, or executable files needed for building and compiling on the Android platform

  Basic commands - also known as elf files -
along with the standard directories of BSDs,
 Linux, UNIX, and other Unix variants are:
1. Missing from Android
2. In a non-standard location
3. Part of the toybox BSD licensed suite of dynamically
linked utilities.
When an individual compiles a program, [configure]
requires the commands to be in a standard location.
On a rooted system using the commands of:
$ su
# cd /
# ls /
will give you:
and so on in the list. <code> ./configure </code> should
be able to run without errors or initiating a  change of
shells - sh, ksh, tsh, bash - to run the command.  Also, 
it is more realistic to rewrite than to patch a file unless
some functionality of the original is able to be used to be
utilized in an efficient and positive manner.  Having to
insert /system/.../toybox - $COMMAND - $PARAMETER 
- /PATH/TO/FILE/OR/WHATEVER along with  having to 
use #sh is not what the majority of developers want to do. My apologies, toybox developers, but, try compiling on
android. Any serious programmer using any platform
of any operating system variant with CISC, RISC, and other
CPU architectectures is not going to use busybox or 
toybox. That foolishness won't fly in the BSD community.
I have already tested that hypothesis. Including into that
probability is the fact of me being unable to afford buying 
both a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to enable normal
and standard input device functions. If the equipment is
available, one still needs to write a script to create the
proper directories for the Unix commands along with 
their library dependencies. Even building an "app" 
application is going to require the before mentioned

   After taking a break to imbibe electrolytes from a
natural ingredient based sports drink so that my
super dope brain with its fly skills can bedazzle you
with some funkalicious knowledge, I return so that
we are able to get down to some hardcore coding
and other most super weeby mad ass skills. You
have to keep it real. Just saying, you know?

   I have no means of developing an android sytem with
such because I have no functioning laptop. The laptop
in my possession has problems with both connectivity
and battery charging.
Is there anyway the Unix commands can be put 
together as an installable apk?
SciTE is not available for android, putting rewriting and
reverse engineering out of the question.
Qemu installation along with screen size limitations 
eliminates using the probability of both full and para
virtualization on this device. You are not going to bake
a cake by placing the pan on a stool and rubbing your
hands together. Even the flies are going to ask you,
" What are you trying to do?" Just saying, you know.
Keeping it real, peoples, keeping it real.

Thank you for reading this; and, may you have a most
blessed and wonderful day.
Tchau tchau

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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.