Thursday, July 9, 2020

Reality and accountability

Having been exposed to human nature and to Western - that is United States - culture, I am going to present and expose to you the true state of affairs and the actual personalities of people in that country.

In their culture, it is standard and acceptable to falsify and deny actions which would be viewed as illegal and immoral. The first example is the approach within their economic markets when an individual of a higher or more influential rank presents his or her self. That individual - for some unknown, irrational, and illogical reason - will forewarn others instead of making a surprise visit to catch the others at a bad time. Such actions allows people to put on a false front of work ethics and attitudes. You will never perceive nor view the true state of affairs when you constantly warn them that you are going to be there. Do you actually believe that Westerners are honest for the most part?

They are not.

Within the social arena, the facade of denial becomes more dramatic. The individual will either openly deny, try to leave the situation, or begin to act in a manner contrary to his or her true nature.

Some - if not many - of you need a refresher course in street psychology.

First, you are to passively observe others.
Second, you are to never forewarn nor inform others of your arrival.
Third, for those that do not know, there is no reason to state your position.

In psychology, you are taught to notice the affect on the face and with the body language.

In a military situation, you learn to keep still while observing and listening.

At this point, it is necessary to combine the Uncertainty Principle with the law of elimination and apply it as variables within Occam's Razor.

If you have been directed here, then someone and some people - with whom you have personal, political, and/ or economic affiliation - has screwed up major time.

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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.