Thursday, July 9, 2020

Second Data Set - Variable Information and Perception

In the Northwest quadrant of Gaia - also known as Earth - on the North American Continent within the political jurisdiction known as the Federal Republic of the United States within the geographical region designated as the Chesapeake Peninsula the city known as Salisbury, Maryland is and will be the focus of the informative data set.

Knowing that forensic recovery in Information Technology is dependent upon the nodes within a filesystem, the use of photorec for retrieving data from even a flash file system is more than sufficient for these two events. Using nmap to scan for all open ports and OS detection - if such would be necessary - you would be able to determine what applications have been used on the phones and other devices in this area.

You are also able to determine to what each device connects by accessing the transceiver and other radio devices on the smart phones.

Every computer of every type should be accessible to you within this area.

You are also able to determine what radio devices are being used and if the devices are independent, implanted, or simulated.

If I give you an approximation of the times and you are able to view what is happening through satellite imagery, then the data which I have given - coupled with the post before this one - will be able to explain itself after so many samples.

Your approach is to be subtle, tactful, and diplomatic. You are to neither deny nor
 admit to what you are doing when collecting the data.

A comparative investigative analysis will tell you the similarities within the data set as applied to the original hypothesis.
Logic with mathematical foundation as applied to cognizant rationality will determine the applied and absolute truths of my statements.

On a side note: if people are acting stupid to cover up their actions, more than likely they are or feel guilty.

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