Monday, October 12, 2020

Bypassing blocks, bans, and other security measures

 Every security measure may and can be bypassed through a few simple measures.

1. Use an Open Source Operating System so that you are capable of
enabling the following measures.
a) Use separate browsers.
b) use a browser such as konquerer which allows you
to choose which cookies to accept.
2. Disconnect your ISP source - whether it be 
coaxial, isdn, fiber optics, or other - for at least
twenty-four hours. This will reset your ISP. 
To be safe, make that thirty-six to forty-eight hours.
Yes, you can go that long without TV, cable, and phone.
3. Do not use your main smartphone to access the internet.
Buy a prepaid such as straight talk.
I'm not going to tell you what the next steps are here.
You'll have to do some homework.
4. If you are blocked - such as with twitter and other 
social media - simply search for that account on
another browser while logging into your account 
from your favorite browser.
Do not share information between browsers, 
use an Open Source Operating System,
and try to use another architecture besides AMD64/x86_64 or ARM32/64.
These are the most commonly tracked.
5. Know how to prevent your user agent from being tracked.
6. Do not create multiple accounts that are similar in the base personality.
Imagine a different non-associated alter ego and use that in place.
7. Setr up a remote access network.
Access the site from a node on that network that is not yours.

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