Sunday, September 17, 2023

Limits of jurisdiction

 According to Maryland business law:

(This is a paraphase and not the exact words

within the Maryland Law Code)

The jurisdiction of a business ends:

1. At the ceiling, doors, floors, walls, and windows

of that business if the business leases or rents the building

and not the property."

Shared parking areas and common grounds on a property

do not give any business more jurisdiction or right

over another even if that area is beside of, in front of,

or near such business.

2. At the edge of the property if such business actually

and really owns the physical lot of property.

In the example of number one - which is the standard for

Ahold-Delhaize in North America in the United States of

 America in the state of Maryland in all of its cities, 

counties, and regions - the employees of Ahold-Delhaize

- this being Food Lion and other businesses - have no 

reason - while wearing the insignia of any 

Ahold-Delhaize company

(Wearing the insignia of a company makes one

and the company reliable for communications

and actions of those individuals employed by the 

company) - to be involved with or bother

anyone whatsoever in her or his private affairs.

In other words,

"They need to leave well enough alone,

mind their own business,

and stay out of mine."

It is bad when it  becomes necessary to contact

an international conglomerate/ corporation

to tell this to when it should be common sense.

In their imaginations - and include all who have 

been designated authority such as managers - 

they have acheived  a Machiavellian understanding

of which they apply to everything while clocked in

to the job. Their belief is that they have absolute

control and athoritarian rule over everything

within their realms of sight, sound, and imaginative

cognition with all to bow down before them

to and for the mighty kingdom of Food Lion!


These people cannot be for real.

This gives all of you in Denmark and the Netherlands

something to think about for a moment.


Had to keep you on your toes.

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