Monday, August 3, 2020

And so, thus it goes, continuously, perpetually, ad infinitum, without end, blah, blah, blah

By which method or approach would you like for other to communicate with you?

Is it the standard western model of being indirect, having others assume, having you guessing and hoping that each person within the dialogue has the same understanding?


Neither you nor I nor she nor he nor they nor them nor us nor we nor y'all nor youse guys nor thems nor anyone has the same understanding.

And this is where people get themselves into trouble.

Earth, this planet, the world, the socio-sphere, the global cultural community, or whatever you would like to call our socio-cultural environment is composed of many parts and, within those parts, are the individuals themselves.

We tend to forget this a lot because we usually focus mainly on ourselves and our little  bit of the planet that we see in our daily lives.

We forget that we need the plants, insects, other animals, and all of the aquatic and microscopic life to keep ourselves alive.

There are many humans who take life for granted.

What I did was just make an assumption with a plea towards human understanding.

I am communicating with you with the belief, hope, and faith that you will understand me.

The point to which you will understand me so that we have commonly shared logic and reasoning I will not know until you respond with a logical reply.

It doesn't have to be technical or literal in nature.

And, it does not need to be derogatory, sardonic, or sarcastic in reply.

What you do not understand, ask.

Anyone with patience and compassion will try to find a way of aiding and assisting you.

None of us on this planet are perfect.

So, .....

I am going to share with you a small bit of knowledge of communication, standards, and perception.

On perception.

There are four main views: Observer-active, Observer-passive, Subject-active, Subject-passive.

Keep this in mind.

On basic standards.

Four basic perceived types of moral reasoning: The words or actions are done with positive intentions and the subject perceives them as being done with positive  intention, the words or actions are done with negative intention and the subject perceives them being done with negative intentions, the words or actions are done with positive intentions and the subject perceives them being done with negative intentions, the words or actions are done with negative intentions and the subject perceives them being done with positive intentions.

Communications should be done with the following standards: honesty, truthfulness, being direct, being straightforward, using diplomacy, using tact, having reasoning, being logical, being focused, and being to the point.

In an unknown and alien environment, do not presume nor make assumptions. It is not your neighborhood. It is not your city. It is not your state or region. It is not your country. Do not act like a tourist. Do not act like the people around you when you are not a part of their culture.

Be observant and nonchalant but do not be arrogant or self righteous.

Pay attention to your surroundings as much as possible.

Try to listen to as many things as possible and be able to separately identify the sounds.

Watch and listen to people as they are near and away from you.
See if their words and actions match.

Remember the way a person is when that person is around different people.

If their character constantly changes without good reason, then be cautious.

No, it is not human nature for people to be two faced hypocrites talking out of the sides of their necks with forked tongues.

That is the way a negative individual chooses to be.

Remember this and try your best to not be like them.

Look for what is positive in life.

Try to encourage and uplift others as much as possible.

Be willing to change for what is good.

Have a blessed day and enjoy life with others and what is around you.

Tchau tchau

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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.