Saturday, August 22, 2020

Update Saturday August Twenty-Second Two Thousand Twenty Gregorian Calendar 20:41 P.M.

It has been nearly five years since the illegal surgery was done on me.

I have to ask and beg people to stop and leave me alone with their connection to the neural implant in my skull.

I informed the FBI and Interpol about what happened.

 I am not sure if they are doing anything
Or if they even care.
It seems that no one cares.
And the even sadder part
It was done not so long ago to another
in the same area.
You should be abke to perceive
that it was not an accident
or a random occurance.
I have tried contacting the International Court of Justice,
The United Nations,
and the United States Supreme Court
to no avail.

I have researched and have discovered that this has been done to a lot of others.

those who uphold the law,
people working in biotechnology,
the United Nations,
Even the International Court of Justice,
and many others
do not seem to care
that the freewill of others
is being intruded upon.

Neurolaw and neuroethics are new fields of research and study and,
even then,
some will make the claim
that it is right
to completely and almost literally
brainwash and reprogram somebody.

They have no idea of the hell I have gone through
on a daily basis
for five years, eight months, and nearly four weeks
- almost five and three-fourths years.

That is a lot of hell.

And some of you claim that your are better than Mother Nature and Great Spirit.

I have to beg or plead
- however you want to state it -
for almost everything.
For food,
something to drink,
to be left alone.

It is a mental-psychic-psychological battle
- if not an all out war-
In my mind,
in reality,
and in the cyberverse-internet-interwebs
to get people to leave me alone.

No one is seeming to listen; and,
I know the video has gone global.

why is no one saying or doing anything?

None of you seem to want me or my friend to have our freedom and our lives back in our own hands.

Why is that?

As many times as I have asked,
and as many times as you people multiple laws have been broken,
and you have the  evidence,
and you do nothing,
and you refuse to do anything
for some strange reason.

Tell me why
you are so complicit
about this?

Because I know most of you don't care aboyut the hell others go through
On this planet
that is far greater in suffering
and worse than ours.

Why should you care?

You have so much.

I am lucky to be able to do this.
And speak up for others.

all of you with influence and resources
seem to do nothing
until some of us
on this side of life
get figuratively dragged
through the mud.

This is probably going nowhere with you.

I'm goiung to tell you how it may be.

There is a judgment day for each of us.

It is best for you to go through it
while living this life.

I am going to let some know something
through this medium
as I promised to do.

I do not want to trade places with any of you
or be in your position
or in the upcoming future.

You continue to do what you are doing
without wanting to
or caring to
change for the better
or admit  that your are wrong.

You do not believe what you have been
are being
and will be told.
I am going to make it a written-printed-posted statement
for all to see.

That which you sow
you will reap.
That which you do unto others
it will come back upon you
with the same desire and intention
from the original purpose.

Karma is exact and absolute.
The law of reciprocity and the law of righteous judgment work hand in hand.

We are all responsible and accountable for our thoughts, words, actions, and lives.

None of us are exempt from this fact.

I am not going to embarass you before the planet as you have done to me.

Nor will I ridicule, mock, insult, threaten, attack, falsely imprison you, or all of the other things that you have done to me
and to the other.

I will let things happen on their own.

You will not be prepared

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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.