Saturday, August 8, 2020

Surrealistic Programming

I'm going to tell you about my working environment and mindset so that your imagination is able to perceive from another viewpoint. You need to be objective and resourceful in order to do positive programming. I have experience with the following for programming. Operating Systems: 1. Linux a) Debian - aarch64 virtual, X86 direct and virtual, AMD64 direct and virtual, PowerPC32 direct. b.) Android --aarch64 direct through dalvikvm and termux as the current programming platform. 2. FreeBSD X86 direct, PowerPC32 direct, UltraSPARC/SPARC64. A quick side note: Some people may need a point of reference. Now, this is my physical environment. Transient/ homeless with a Lenovo Moto G5 Plus. This means you - vocĂȘ, usted, vos, vosotros - will be doing this with a limited set of resources. You are allowed to work in a group. Got to keep it real, peoples. You can't be perpping a fraud. So, each of you grab your machines. One will need an AMD64 laptop. It doesn't have to be the latest. You're going to be running Debian and FreeBSD on it. You will also need a PowerPC32 machine. You may choose the 64 bit POWER/ PPC,64 machines. You are going to need a SunBlade or similar starting with the 1000 model. And, you are going to need an Android aarch64 device. The SunBlade will need the Sun keyboard because the system will constantly repeat a key from a standard keyboard unless you tap immediately after you press a key. You may choose to do this with other Operating Systems if you want. Time to do some searching. Grab these images from the respected places. Remember that I am writing this on a phone. I will give you the Boolean values. For debian: debian download AMD64 PowerPC ppc For FreeBSD: FreeBSD ppc AMD64 SPARC You should be able to download the images from the respective websites. FreeBSD will use the GPT partitioning layout. Debian will use a standard layout. Install FreeBSD to all of the machines first with room for Debian on the AMD64 and PPC machines. Use the entire hard drive for the UltraSPARC/ SPARC64 installation. Having a positively progressive attitude is the key to this tutorial. We're going to work together on this; and, we're going to share or experience and knowledge with others. After setting up the base system, be sure to choose your desktop. Debian: The hard way is more fun. No graphical environment at first. Build it from deb packages. Be sure to know the graphics card type whether on board or PCI et al. This will keep you from having unnecessary drivers on your system. Xorg - configure. Simple desktop so that the CPU, GPU, disc, and RAM are readily available. For the minimalist: blackbox or fluxbox. Standard desktop: LXDE. Creative: Enlightenment. Now, install synaptic package manager with apt-get or dpkg. Boolean search for unstable and other repositories. Sip some tea or smoke a spliff while you wait. Or bake a cake. Got it? Not the cake, the repository information. Goodly. Look in the sections and install the latest programming tools. That easy. Sip some tea. Alright, FreeBSD will take more dedication. Do not use packages. Each environmental system for programming is different depending on the CPU. Base system first. You will need to use the following resources: Boolean search time. FreeBSD forums FreeBSD manual. As with Debian, set up Xorg. You are going to need the forums and mailing lists for aid and assistance. Remember the standards for Debian and use that as a reference point. FreeBSD manual reference to using ports. Boolean search: FreeBSD porter's handbook. In the Makefile section you may need to change certain parameters. Adjust for CPU architecture if necessary. Editing on a smartphone with a soft keyboard is difficult. Okay, back to the programming set up. Install python with the latest version. Adjust python variables to use that which is more applicable. Questions will be stated about Heimdall. Do your research. It's hot outside. We will return to this later.

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Thank you for expressing yourself. Have a blessed day.