Friday, August 14, 2020

Informative Quasi-tutorial on Blogger

Having seen that there is neither a wiki nor an online tutorial for blogger - nor for setting it up ad a website - I've decided to make one myself.

I'm having a lot of trouble using html code for some reason on this Asus Nexus 7 tablet. For the moment, I will just give you the references until I am able to properly edit this post from another device. It's best if you use a laptop or desktop for this.

Do a Boolean search for "bluefish editor" in whichever search engine of your preference. The Wikipedia entry gives a good description and has a link to the software site and download.

Download the software to your system and open a document to start your editing.

Go back to your browser and enter the following Boolean search terms: "w3schools html".

Carefully read each value and apply it as such. Because I am unable at the moment to write a proper tutorial, you will have to do some self learning. I apologize for my current situation.

Use the values to setup your document. Pay attention to the p, a, href, style, and other tags.Be sure also to read about the CSS usages.

Okay, you are going to set up every page before you place each into blogger as an entry. You are going to need a metapage as the main entry. You will need additional pages as the links. You will also need a reference page. If you want, add an index page.

For reason that blogger and other nlog publishing sites have the latest entry first, the following set of rules should be followed:

In blogger you will need to create a new blog. Place your index page as the first entry and the reference page as the second entry.

Your project pages have to be set up each in a new blog. Be sure to do the last first. This will allow the reader to view it as a normal top to bottom list.

Your metapage will be the last blog. Use the a href tag to connect each page to your table of contents.

If you have done it right, blogger will now be your personal website.

Have fun and enjoy. I will either correctthis or write a better tutorial when I am able. Tchau tchau.

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